Sunday, July 11, 2010

town hall meeting

About once a quarter, there is a Town Hall Meeting at work. This is where management goes over the results of employee surveys. It is where they go over initiatives to make things better for all of us; where they reward us for jobs well done. There is an agenda, and the usual power point presentations to go along with it.

At the beginning of the meeting, as the emcee was giving us the agenda, he told us we would be viewing a video from YouTube. There would probably be some trouble with the audio... but he was going to try to make it so we could watch it.

Yadda, yadda, yadda, meeting meeting meeting.

It came time to show the video. Again, it was announced that it MIGHT be hard to hear. He apologized for this, but assured us, if we were really quiet and listened, it was worth it.

He started the video. And said again, that we would need to be quiet... as the volume was up all the way. He proceeded to sit down... and almost immediately, someone from right behind me, said, "Can you turn up the volume please?"


Other than this... the meeting was informative and interesting.

And they gave us some good shit stuff. (I got a gift certificate to In and Out Burgers, and a logo branded water sippy bottle.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry... but we can't hear you at the back of the room. Could you repeat that please?
