Monday, July 5, 2010


I have been blessed with a wonderful mix of genes (oh, can you hear the sarcasm in that statement?). From my father, I received the blonde eyebrow gene. Never mind that the rest of my hair, while blonde (almost white) when young, has turned to a dull shade of medium brown. My eyebrows stayed the same blonde color.

If you add in that from my mother I got wispy little wings of eyebrows... ugh. You really have to get up close and LOOK, to see my actual eyebrows. I have thought of dying them... but ... HELLO! there is not much hair there to dye.

A year or so ago, I was at Ulta to buy an eyebrow pencil. (I at least TRY to make them visible.) A make-up artist (a gentleman) approached me. We had a conversation about my eyebrows. He asked if I had ever thought of getting them tattooed on.

"Never!" I answered. [which is not exactly true. I have considered it. Briefly. But tattoos HURT... or so I've been told. And plus, there is that fact that...] "At some point I may want to have a face lift. Can you imagine? I would have a perpetually surprised look on my face!"

Well... you would have thought that I had said the funniest thing on this planet. The make-up guy laughed and laughed and laughed some more. Then he hooted and laughed, and snorted and guffawed. I started to feel uncomfortable.

Fast forward to a conversation on morning break; just two months ago. The girls and I were discussing tattoos, and IF we would ever consider getting them. Sally said, "I want to get my eyebrows done." I told my story (see above). Edna and Sally (my morning break mates) laughed and laughed and laughed some more. They had never thought of this. They thanked me for telling them.

Imagine my surprise when just five days later, Edna comes in to the office with her eyebrows tattooed on.



And such. A. Bad. Color.



So I guess the story-telling thing...? It's not taken very seriously. I people just think of my funny stories as, well... funny stories. And not words of wisdom.

[btw... the INK faded a bit.. which helps the fact that one of Edna's eyebrows is higher than the other; and that one of them is further to the left than the other.]

[if it were me, i would sue that tattoo artist (artist? butcher is more like it!).]

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I guess you have to be careful which person you permit to permanently stain your face. :)

    Not that I am able to discuss a person's eyebrows, since I have ONLY ONE and it is quite bushy.

    But this post does remind me of a time when I was eight or nine years old, and had gone to a portrait studio in order to have a photo done to give to my grandmother for her birthday.

    The woman photographer had shaved her eyebrows completely off (or perhaps used NAIR, who knows, but they did not have laser treatments back then)... and she had penciled them back on a bit too high on her head. they looked like little C's turned on their side so the arch was on top. I couldn't comprehend why a person would do this, when most people had eyebrows already. >:o)
