Monday, August 16, 2010

lists... i make them

So, I think I had a *melt-down* on Thursday.  At least, that is what I would call it.  I began to cry around 1:30-2:00-ish... and didn't stop completely until after 8PM.  I guess I'd had enough.  Enough of what? you might ask.  Enough.  Of everything.  EVERYTHING.

Here are some of the things on my mind this day, as I am on a doctor mandated SICK day to get my feet back underneath me (and as I wait for my first appointment with a Psychologist):
  • the coworker tapping
  • the coworker that was seen digging in someone else's purse and is STILL working there. 
  • the fact that i have to LOCK my desk EVERY TIME I leave it, for fear of him digging through my purse.
  • the inane insane ridiculous asinine phone calls from the other department - asking me to give them information I do not have, nor do I need.  If they need it, shouldn't they be calling the people who supply that information?
  • the rush Rush RUSHING I am expected to do.  without any break in the work load.
  • the new STUFF that Upper Management (UM) comes up with.  Stuff that we are supposed to accept without question.  Stuff that sounds good on paper, but when it comes down to being USER FRIENDLY... well it fails in major ways.
  • the lack of training for such pet projects.  Three months in and I STILL don't know how or why?
  • the general lack of common courtesy in my workplace.
  • the lack of direction from our supervisor
  • the lack of understanding from her too. (and she has been in our shoes!)
  • the FORMS (!!!) that have to filled out for every task we do.  (again, the pet project of UM!)
  • coworkers that pretend to have your best interests in mind, then leave little treats at your desk, knowing full well you will eat them and suffer the consequences.
  • having to pull my own files, while the file room staff works on yet ANOTHER pet project of UM.
  • seeing the file room staff prepare fancy coffees for staff  when there is perfectly GOOD coffee in the break room that anyone can enjoy for FREE!
  • knowing that while they are supposed to be working on that project, they are really walking back and forth from the kitchen, making the fancy coffees, when they COULD BE helping me pull my files!  (ohIMUSTblogaboutTHISlater!)
I know that ANY job I would go to would have these (or similar) problems to endure.  And endure I must.  Usually I would be ABLE to handle all of this.  I'm a big girl.  I handle stress.  I thought I handled it pretty well.

It's just that all of the above was combined with OTHER stresses.  Family stresses.  My own personal crap (oh yes! I have CRAP!).  The death of my father - which (who knew?) has caused me some anxiety in ways I could not have imagined.  And watching my Mother as she watches HER mother (my Grandma) slowly fade away.  It's all very stressful for me.

I'm certain that it will all work itself out.  I am seeking help.  I will heal.  I will be back to my strong, silly, sarcastic and witty self.



  1. It will get better... you can clear this hurdle - even if you have to climb it slowly rather than leap over it.

    I hope you are feeling more like yourself soon.

    I need to get on TWITTER -- I hear it's FAB.

  2. I normally dont comment but I feel I needed to this time. I can understand to an extent what you are going thru with the work and all the madness it brings. Lord knows I have this type of madness also.. We care and others don't. Think of this as a temporary. You just happen to have added stress and it does'nt make us look very pretty at times.. Im sure the beautiful you will be back in full swing soon...

  3. Thank you Robina. I appreciate you kind words. I know they are petty petty things. Ugh. It's just so overwhelming. So so so overwhelming.

    I'm gonna be alright. I feel it. I just need to get my feet back under me.

    Thanks. :)

    BTW. Did you get a blog yet?
