Friday, June 11, 2010


Recently I was moved to another cubicle at work.  While I do feel a bit isolated from my *group*, it has been a good experience for me, and I can tell it's going to work out just fine.  At least, that is what I was thinking until late last month.

One morning, while walking through the department to my new desk, I happened across what can only be described as a CRIME.  That's right, I stumbled upon one male co-worker (Perp) at a female co-worker's (Victim) desk.  But he wasn't just standing there, oh no!  He was hunched over an open desk drawer.  And his hands were BOTH inside this woman's purse! Yes! Inside her purse.

Well, color me startled.  Actually, I was beyond startled.  I was shocked!

Of course he stiffened up; as any guilty person would do when caught red-handed.  I, on the other hand, was cool and collected and kept on walking.  Upon reaching my cubicle, I had to take deep breaths and decide WHAT TO DO!!!

Certainly I needed to report this crime.  But did I warn the purse OWNER?  I decided I needed to.  Knowing that she was in the break room (and if I knew, the Perp probably did too!), I made my way there to enlighten her.  I explained to her what I saw.  I think she must have thought I was crazy.  Because she didn't seem to be very upset by my news.  Really?  This does NOT bother you at all?

Back at my desk, a few minutes later, I heard Victim confront him.  "Perp, what were you doing in my desk drawer in my purse?"

His response was rapid.  No denial.  Just, "Who would tell you such a thing?"  (correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't that SEEM a bit guilty too?)

He had an answer for all of her questions.  I knew what I had to do.  I had to tell someone.  With my Supervisor on vacation, and her Supervisor off-sight, I went to HIS Supervisor.  What else could I do?

She believed me.  And apparently, she was not shocked.  She assured me that this situation would not be overlooked.  That something would be done. Later in the day, other management, including my off-sight manager, were either dropping by my desk, or calling me, to ask, "Are you OK?"

Let me tell you, this ROCKED my world, and not in a good way.  Seeing this man rifling through someone else's belongings changed the way I feel about my office; the place where I spend most of my life!!   Now I am locking up my purse.  Now I am constantly reminded that anything on my desk is fair game to someone who has no scruples.  I am frightened too.  Because NOT ONLY did I SEE this man, in what I can only assume was his attempt at stealing money, but HE SAW ME SEEING HIM.  And if there are reprimands handed down, he will know that I told...  I don't know why this bothers me, except that I no longer trust my work to protect me from harm... as there is now a THIEF among us.

While I wait for the other shoe to drop... I am anxious.

I don't like to feel anxious.  Not at all.


  1. Quite honestly, my dear Rita, I would not have any worries about said PERP knowing I had ratted him out. I hope the man is not idiotic enough to attempt to do anything in retaliation, but it would possibly be a good idea to let anyone that can handle security issues know that you feel that the man may pose a problem to you personally.

    Did she (victim) every say what was missing from her purse? Did anything happen beyond (or after) all of this happened, or was that "it"?

    Sad for Perp, he can hardly claim he was looking for a tampon. *<:o)

  2. There have been no signs of reprimand. Of course, I am not likely to be privy to this information, and he is certainly not going to announce to anyone that he has been placed in TIME OUT for thievery. The Victim has said nothing further. His Supervisor assured me (recently) that the situation was "well in hand" and that I have no reason to fear him. Should I feel the least bit uncomfortable... I am to report it immediately. I am still quite bothered by the entire situation.
